The story behind the brand:
Our founder, Mrs. Daniele Henkel shared the story of when she decided to create the Renaissance Glove. When she arrived in Canada from Algeria, Ms. Henkel had a plan, a dream, but nothing was working as she imagined. After a long day at work where nothing was going her way, she decided to take a shower and used her exfoliating glove she had brought with her from Algeria. As she began to rub her body, she felt the pain and the doubts pouring away and her fear and fatigue reducing. Gradually, she began to feel better and better, and felt reborn. At that moment she realized that this was THE solution to all her problems. The exfoliating glove has gone from an idea to a plan, to a project, and then a business. This is the story of the Renaissance Glove!
A ritual passed down from generation
to generation:
It all started when she was 7 years old, her mother introduced her to the exfoliation ritual at an Hammam. Mrs. Henkel, was very surprised of the feeling at first, the exfoliation glove didn't hurt, it was just different from a washcloth. It was a new discovery for her, another world where she saw dead skin rolling over her body. It was the first time Mrs. Henkel felt aware the fabric on her skin. After this experience, she had promised herself not to do the same thing again with her children, but today's reality is different. She took up this same rite because for her, exfoliation with the Renaissance Glove is a lifestyle. Over time, she passed on her love for this glove to her children and grandchildren. Today, in addition to sharing this love for the Renaissance Glove with her family, she shares it with Canadians thanks to Gant RenaissanceTM .